File this one under foods you like but may not have assumed a child could have at an early age–they can! Assuming your child is not allergic to nuts and/or dairy, you could introduce a smoothie bowl as soon as six or seven months, expanding its complexity and heft as your child ages. Added bonus: by integrating spinach and cottage cheese into the mix, I’ve add more protein, fat, and nutrients without altering the flavor; you can remove them–or add more–at your leisure.
Note: this version makes enough for a child and one adult to have a bowl; add a second acai packet and a total of ½ cup of milk to make enough for a second adult to join.
If you don't already have any ready to go, be sure and freeze a banana in advance of preparing the bowl.
For an infant, allow to sit at room temperature for a few minutes in order to lessen the chill. Pour enough acai into a child-size bowl to fill about ⅓ of it; if using toppings, spread them out in front of your toddler and allow them to choose what he/she wants–but you choose the quantity of each. Start with the smooth/creamy ingredients (i.e., yogurt, peanut butter), then add top with fruit and/or cereal bits; mix well. Steel yourself for a mess.
If your child prefers the taste of other fruit, you can add to or replace the acai base by freezing that fruit and blending it as instructed. (Note: you may need to add more milk to compensate for an increased amount of frozen fruit.)