Listen, sometimes it comes down to color. Children eat with their eyes first—if it doesn’t look familiar, it has to look interesting.
Enter beet hummus. Obviously. Hummus is easy enough: silky, smooth, ready to be dipped. Beets make it better: sweeter, creamier, vegetable-y. And that very very pinkish color? Moths to flame, are kids curious about it; my own thought it was an acai bowl.
(Note: while this recipe couldn’t be easier to make, roasting the beet does take time. Beyond throwing it in the oven before you go out to play with your little one, I recommend roasting a few so that you can make our chocolate beet muffins at the same time.)
We typically smear this on pita triangles or crackers for our guy, but we also use it as a condiment on falafel burgers and egg sandwiches; it would make a fun dip for crunchy raw vegetables, too.
Provided you grilled or roasted it enough to be chop-uppable in a blender, almost any vegetable could sub in for beet here: sweet potato, zucchini, carrot. etc. Use lemon instead of lime; use dill instead of cilantro.