For the record, we completely understand if you’re skeptical, maybe even annoyed or angry, at that title. Let pizza be pizza again, you say. Must we ‘hack’ everything in this world?, you cry. We get it. And we are not saying the recipe that follows should replace the pizza you and/or your child loves; think of it more as an opportunity to do more with pizza. Say, for those times when your child asks for pizza for the second–third? fourth?--time in a week. Or, for those times when you want to get your kiddo to eat more fiber/vegetables/protein and just can’t figure out how to do so. The crust is easy to make*–four ingredients and five minutes is all you need–and high in protein; the sauce has a lot of protein, fiber, and vegetables, too. And it’s coated in cheese–your kid won’t know any better about all that good stuff going on underneath.
(Note: because the pizza is already so high in protein, and because young kids tend to prefer cheese pizza, we are not standardizing any topping; however, feel free to add ground meat or a dice of your child’s favorite vegetable to the pizza.)
The recipe picture shows a typical triangle/slice cut, which is great for photos but not so hot for small children; I recommend employing the ‘party’ cut (i.e., tavern style) and slice into small squares, which you can then further reduce into the appropriate bite size for your child. Also recommended: a squeeze of lime on top helps cut the richness of the sauce; ketchup and barbecue sauce to dip in can assist, too.
If your child is (too) comfortable with tomato sauced pizza, it may help to slowly increase the proportion of bean to red sauce. You can start by doing half-and-half: just tomato sauce on one side; black beans on the other. (Mix the zucchini into the tomato sauce). If you’re worried your child would prefer neither, here’s a thought: barbecue sauce. I’ve done this pizza with barbecue sauce instead of black beans–and shredded chicken instead of turkey–and it was a huge hit.
Pro tip for yourself: topping slices with salsa verde–or any salsa or sauce with notable acidity–really elevates the flavor.
You can of course utilize pre-made crust or dough! Just skip the dough-making steps in the recipe.