This is a no-brainer: you have eggs; your kid may like eggs, especially in hard boiled form. They like sandwiches. They might like an egg salad sandwich. Obvi.
Of course, you can find egg salad recipes anywhere. We went just a little bit further and zhushed it right up for toddlers: a little avocado, a little tahini, a little life. It’s got a good amount of protein, some good fats, a bunch of Vitamin A—but, most importantly, it tastes great. And it sandwiches. Which means it’s all good.
(Note: directions are for a single egg. If you want to make enough to feed both your kiddo and yourself/others, increase egg and squirt/spoonful amounts by one per person.)
For young toddlers, mash up the egg until paste-like; you can keep it in large and/or rough chunks for those three and older. Mustard or ketchup won’t mar the sandwich, so don’t hesitate to squirt a bit on the sandwich–or off to the side–if your kid is used to having it around when eating things between slices of bread.
No tahini? Just add another squirt of mayo instead. (Same for the avocado.)
Check out our other great sandwich recipes!