Kids and eggs: it’s a complicated relationship. They’ll fall in love, asking for them every week (or day); they’ll fall out–without warning you, of course–and then seemingly never eat them again. They’ll be partial to one kind, rejecting other cooking approaches; they’ll then switch allegiances, without warning or mention. It’ll be like this for years.
So, you need an arsenal of egg dishes. We’ve got that for you, of course: here, and here, and here here. But it always helps to have a scrambled eggs recipe as your default: kids love them fluffy curds, and they’re a lifesaver for sick days, for lunches or dinners when you have nothing prepared and only have 15 minutes to get to and through the meal, and for those moments when your kiddo refuses all else.
Gently break the curds up into chunks so your child can easily grab or spear with a fork. Not much is needed on the eggs, unless your kid prefers cheese–sprinkle some on!--or likes eggs with his condiments. (You know what I mean.) Serve with some yogurt and fruit and breakfast is done.