The Best Toddler Broccoli Recipes

Goldfish-crusted broccoli bites

Here’s a simple truth about feeding broccoli (and vegetables in general) to your youngster: some days are better than others. Some days your child will consume what seems like an entire bushel of simply steamed broccoli; others they’ll basically need the form, shape, and taste of a french fry to cough down a small iota of the green stuff; still others florets will be shoved right off the plate. You may even get all three reactions on the same day; you may even get them in the same meal.

Sure, chalk it up the whims of a small child, but let’s also acknowledge the degree of difficulty of the (figurative) dive here: you have to consider and land on at least two of three different variables–taste, texture, appearance—to ensure engagement and embracement; sometimes you’ll land all three and it still won’t be enough. It’s exceptionally difficult enough without all the messaging–from siblings, media, even you and/or your partner–that vegetables are less fun than other foods. 

But you’ve got to try.

I’ll be honest with you: trying will be trying. You won’t be able to -tot or -fry everything always or forever; eventually, you’ll want and need to expand your child’s lexicon, if not your own, to other preparations and approaches. That’s what this compendium of broccoli recipes provides: the green stuff in whole form; the green stuff in sauce form; and, sure, broccoli in pancake or fritter form. Ideally, hopefully, you won’t need any of what follows: your child may embrace crunchy raw vegetables or come around on simply steamed or roasted ones. I hope they do. But let’s be honest with ourselves, too: most adults don’t. So it’s tough for anyone, toddlers included (and especially); it’s going to take some work. For those moments, and the ones to come, check out these best toddler broccoli recipes:

The Recipe That Will Get Your Kid To Love Broccoli

Broccoli as a Snack

Broccoli Fun In 10 Minutes Flat

Broccoli Dutch Baby: Breakfast Can Also Be Dinner

Broccoli Crepelet: Breakfast Can Also Be The Best Dinner

Broccoli Falafel

Broccoli Cheddar Soup (w/Cauliflower)

how much broccoli for a preschooler, broccoli recipes for kids, broccoli recipes for toddlers, easy broccoli recipes, easy vegetables for toddlers

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