Ah, broccoli: the great gatekeeper and dipstick of the vegetable kingdom. Kids love it; kids hate it–often at the same time, and in very contradictory and confusing ways. Getting your child to eat it whole and willingly--and do so over the phases and stages of early childhood--is one of the great victories of dadhood.
Here’s one that’ll help you earn that trophy. The secret here appears so obvious, so dumb, it’s truly a wonder to me that I’m the first (that I know of) to suggest this: mayonnaise. Yes, mayo. But it’s not simply that, because heat–that is, how you cook it–gives it its superpowers. So while the recipe may say broil, what you’re basically doing is bruleeing the vegetable, giving the crown a crunchy and creamy texture that will be irresistible to your child, even avowed broccoli haters. A little time and patience are required for this one; skill is not. Give it a try.
Cut any stems or stalks off so that the 80-90% of each floret is head with just a little stem; if pieces are still too large, cut the florets vertically so that your child can grab, chew, and swallow individual ‘trees’. Put a couple of pieces on your child’s plate and see how they react; add a little parmesan or other cheese if they need further encouragement.
Same concept, different execution: par-cook the broccoli as described above; once cool, use the bottom of a glass or dish to smash each floret flat. Lightly coat both sides of the floret in oil, then toss in a mix of breadcrumbs and grated parmesan; cook in an air fryer at 390 for ten minutes, then flip and cook for another 5-10 minutes, until a browned crust has formed around the florets.