Fast Scrambled Eggs When A Meal Is Needed.Right. Now
If you're looking to get breakfast on the table fast, the formula for doing so couldn't be simpler: high heat + fat + rubber spatula (and a strong wrist). Here, we borrow from the Italian method of cooking fast scrambled eggs, using olive oil and a quick stir to produce a soft and creamy egg in under a minute. If you can stand the heat (literally), it's almost impossible to fail with this technique.

Heat a medium-sized pan to Medium High (or High, if you don't have a particularly powerful range), giving it a few minutes to get really hot.
While the pan heats, beat one egg with a splash of milk and a pinch of salt until uniform.
When pan is hot, pour a glug of olive oil into the pan; swish around to coat the pan, and give it about 10-15 seconds to get hot.
Pour the egg mixture in the pan with one hand and immediately start stirring the egg with a rubber spatula with the other hand; continue moving and swirling the egg until it turns from liquid to solid, roughly 30-45 seconds. Remove from pan and plate immediately.
Allow eggs to cool for 2-3 minutes before serving. If there is excess oil on the eggs, feel free to blot with a paper towel.
Because of the brevity and fury of the cooking method, the eggs will be something like a single soft blob; if your child is still fledgling with a fork, cut the egg up into chunks for easy handling.