How To Make Sandwiches The Best Toddler Dinner
This one is for those nights when you can’t stomach the thought of chicken nuggies–or mac n’ cheese or [ ]–yet again. Or, for those nights when you really don’t want your kid to eat processed crap from the fridge or freezer but also dread the idea of cooking a thing. Or, when you want to eat, and eat good, but also have to make sure your family does, too.
So, basically, any night.
So, yes, it’s a sandwich–a necessary one. Ham, cheese, condiments, Hawaiian rolls–the usual suspects are all here. But more. Alchemy, really. Small touches make the difference here; they also ensure your toddler can eat–and enjoy–the sandwich, too. They will.

Prep, Cook, and Assemble
- Preheat your oven to 350. Coat a baking dish with cooking spray.
- If your rolls are unsliced and unseparated, cut horizontally midway across the rolls so that the roll bottoms are still attached to one another; place in the baking dish. If not, place six bottom rolls beside one another in the baking dish.
- Spread a thin layer of mayo across the bottoms, then drape slices of ham–removing the edges if those distract or bother your child–across the roll bottoms until all are covered.
- Add slices of cheese atop the ham slices; repeat layers of ham and cheese as needed if you have any remaining pieces of meat or cheese. Place roll tops over the sandwiches.
- Melt the butter in a small microwave-safe bowl or container, then add a dollop of miso, two generous squirts of mustard, and a couple of shakes of garlic powder; stir until blended. Pour all over the top and sides of the sandwiches.
Heat the sandwiches until the insides are completely melted and the tops are nice and browned, roughly 10 minutes.
- Separate the sandwich pieces and allow to cool for five minutes before serving.
With all components “glued” together–thanks, butter and cheese!--your child should be able to easily hold a full or half sandwich; smash down on the top of the serving you give your child to compress it and make it easier to bite through. With condiments already inside and outside, the sandwich does not need additional help, and it is rich and heavy; some crunchy raw vegetables and/or slices of fruit are good sides for serving.
Between the cheese and the butter browned over the top, virtually any deli meat will work here; you could also use leftover pieces of cooked chicken or other meat. Miso can be replaced with another umami-laden ingredient or sauce, such as worcestershire or soy; feel free to add pickles, too, if your kid is into ‘em.