Five Great Toddler Sandwich Ideas

Toddler sandwich

Dads, embrace the sandwich. It’s a small but mighty tool in your cooking (or not cooking) for toddlers toolkit, and when used wisely, it can make mealtime a little easier—and more fun.

We present five sandwich ideas for toddlers below. But, before you slap together just any sandwich, it’s important to think like a toddler. Texture, size, and even color can make a huge difference in whether your little one cannot only take a bite but also continue to eat and be interested  or immediately throw it on the floor. Here are some things to keep in mind:

  • Size Matters – Cut sandwiches into small, manageable pieces. Some toddlers prefer strips, others like squares or fun shapes. Experiment to see what works best. Your child will let you know when they’re ready for larger cuts and slices.
  • Texture Tricks – A little crisp on the bread usually pleases a small child–but they may not be full-on ready for crunchy, so start soft and and go from there. Focus on contrast: if the insides of the sandwich are soft or gooey (i.e., grilled cheese, tuna fish), go with a bit of crunch on the outside; if the insides are firmer or crunchy (i.e., a chicken tender, a thicker cut of meat), go with a squishy bun. 
  • Ingredient Simplicity – While you might enjoy a loaded sandwich, your toddler likely prefers a more straightforward approach. At first, stick with two to three ingredients to keep it familiar and not overwhelming; as your child gets comfortable with the taste and textures of your/his favorites, you can start adding on and layering as you’d like.

Toddlers are hands-on learners, which means mealtime is as much about the experience as it is about the food. Make sandwiches interactive by letting your child help with simple tasks like spreading or placing ingredients. Offering choices—like, “Do you want triangles or squares today?”—gives them a sense of control and makes them more likely to eat what’s in front of them.

Five of our favorite sandwich recipes:

  1. The Essential Toddler Sandwich
  2. How To Introduce Tuna Sandwiches To Your Toddler
  3. Meat (and veggie!)-Stuffed Pita Pockets
  4. The Creamy Melty Goodness Of The Dinnertime Sandwich
  5. A Breakfast Sandwich You Can Make Any Time

Also check out our barbecue chicken sandwich, egg salad sandwich, and this crabcake (and cauliflower) sandwich.

Search for other great toddler recipes (sandwich and otherwise) here.

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  1. Bailey says:

    We’ve made two of these toddler sandwich recipes already! Bookmarked page.

  2. Prostokva__chmn says:

    Hello! I hope you’re having a great day. Good luck 🙂

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